Plugin Commands
- '&b&lLegendaryCook &f- &6&lCommand help&7(OP)'
- '&7Command Name: &alegendarycook,cook,lc'
- ' '
- '&7Sub-Commands:'
- '&f &8editor &f- Open the recipe editor'
- '&f &8give [PotID] [amount] [playerName] &f- Give player special cook pot'
- '&f &8unlock [recipeId] [playerName] &f- Unlock recipes for players'
- '&f &8lock [recipeId] [playerName] &f- Lock recipes for players'
- '&f &8get-item [ID] [amount] [playerName] &f- Give players with items saved in the plugin'
- '&f &8save-item [ID] &f- Save the items in hand to the plugin'
- '&f &8delete-item [ID] &f- Delete items saved in the plugin'
- '&f &8level [add/set/take] [playerName] [amount] &f- Operate the players cooking level'
- '&f &8exp [add/set/take] [playerName] [amount] &f- Operate the players cooking experience'
- '&f &8recipe-exp [add/set/take] [playerName] [amount] &f- Operate the players recipe experience'
- '&f &8reload &f- Reload the configurations(Partial changes may require restarting the server)'
- '&f &8clean-caches &f- Clear abnormal cache data(Please execute this command once after changing or deleting the cooking pot ID, preferably when there are no players on the server)'
Last updated