
#English / Chinese
lang: English
#Allow plugins to perform update detection
update: true
#Allow plugins to perform update detection
  #SQLite / MySQL
  #default SQLite
  mode: SQLite
  address: localhost
  port: 3306
  database: test
  user: root
  password: 123456
  connectionTimeout: 30000
  minimumIdle: 10
  maximumPoolSize: 50
#Can players refresh a task when they have already accepted a task
can-refresh-accepted: false
#Does the sub server perform date detection and data refresh
#If you are a group server and multiple sub servers are sharing the same database, 
#please keep only one sub server open to prevent abnormal data refreshing
refresh-enable: true
  #The sound effect played when accepting a task
  accept: item_trident_thunder
  #The sound effect played when completing a task
  completed: entity_firework_rocket_launch
  #The sound effect triggered when receiving the final reward
  claim: item_totem_use

Last updated