For the beautiful, the language message of the plugin uses a higher version special RGB
When switching languages in config.yml, please delete the original Language.yml before reloading the plugin.
plugin: '&f[&#FF8C69Legen&#EE8262daryDa&#CD7054ilyQueB4C39sts&f]'
- '&f[&#FF8C69Legen&#EE8262daryDa&#CD7054ilyQueB4C39sts&f] &7&lCommands Help'
- '&8 - /ldq open [categorize] (player) &eOpen the task panel of the specified categorize.'
- '&7 - /ldq top [分类ID] [页数] &eView quests completion speed ranking list'
- '&f[&#FF8C69Legen&#EE8262daryDa&#CD7054ilyQueB4C39sts&f] &7&lCommands Help &f-
- '&7 - /ldq reload &eReload plugin configurations.'
- '&7 - /lqd random [categorize] (player) &eForce refresh of tasks for specified player
- '&7 - /lqd refresh add/take/set [categorize] (player) (amount) &eOperate the player''s
specified category refresh points.'
- '&7 - /ldq trigger [player] [categorize] [quest] [goal] [amount] &eIncrease the
target progress value of the &eTrigger &7type for player specified quest (This command
will not have any tip message return)'
- '&7 - /ldq complete [player] [categorize] [quest] &eForce players to complete quest'
- '&7 - /ldq reset [player] [categorize] [quest] &eForce players to reset quest'
- '&f[&6Completed Speed Ranking&f] - &f%categorize%'
- '&f &f No.1 %top_name%'
- '&f &f No.2 %top_name%'
- '&f &f No.3 %top_name%'
- '&f &f No.4 %top_name%'
- '&f &f No.5 %top_name%'
- '&f &f No.6. %top_name%'
- '&f &f No.7 %top_name%'
- '&f &f No.8 %top_name%'
- '&f &f No.9. %top_name%'
- '&f &f No.10. %top_name%'
- '&f '
- '&bYou are currently in &eNo.%me%'
top-no-record: '&cThere is currently no record of this page''s ranking list'
reload: '&BReloaded.'
not-accept: '&cPlayer &f%player% &cdo not accepted this quest. '
force-completed: '&eSuccessfully forces player &f%player% &eto complete &f%categorize%
&equest &b%quest%'
reset: '&eTask for successfully resetting &f%player% &ecategorize &f%categorize%&e''s
quest: &b%quest%'
unknown_command: Unknown Command.
permission: You don't have permission to execute the command.
unknown_categorize: Unknown Categorize.
unknown_quest: Unknown Quest.
notOnline: The player is not online or does not exist
accept: '�EE00You accepted &e%quest%'
completed: '�FF7FYou have completed quest &e%quest%'
completed-all: '&6&lYou have completed all quests for &f%categorize%&6&l!'
completed-title: '�FF7F任务完成!'
completed-subtitle: '&e%quest%'
message: You have refreshed the task list for this time
notenough: '&cYour refresh times is not enough'
accepted: '&cYou have already accepted a task and cannot be refreshed in this round'
math: '&FPlease enter an integer greater than 0'
gain: '&aYour %categorize% &arefresh points has increased by &f%amount%'
lost: '&eYour %categorize% &erefresh points has decreased by &f%amount%'
beset: '&eYour %categorize% &erefresh points has be set by &f%amount%'
give: '&aYou have increased the refresh points of player &f%player% &a''s %categorize%
&aby &f%amount%'
take: '&eYou have decreased the refresh points of player &f%player% &e''s %categorize%
&eby &f%amount%'
set: '&eYou have set the refresh points of player &f%player% &e''s %categorize%
&eby &f%amount%'
already: '&CYou have already received the final reward'
cant: '&CYou have not completed all the tasks for %categorize% &cthis round yet'
claim: '�FF7FYou have received the %categorize% �FF7Ffinal reward for this
categorize: '&cThere is no such categorize.'
target: '&fThe %categorize% &ftask list for player &3%player% &fhas been refreshed'
no-player: '&7No Player.'
Last updated