🛍️Guild Shop

Customizable unlimited guild products can be added, and product prices and conditions can be set through Requirements

  • Unlimited addition of products

  • Daily purchase restrictions

  • Weekly purchase restrictions

  • Monthly purchase restrictions

  • Lifetime purchase restriction

The product configuration file for the guild store is located at Contents/config/GuildShop.yml

The product consists of the following nodes

  1. The following nodes display item settings in the GUI without further explanation.

display: '商品1'
material: APPLE
amount: 1
data: 0
model: 0
lore: []
  1. requirements:Product price, demand

  2. run:Execution group after purchase

  3. buy_limit.type(optional):Product purchase restriction type

  4. buy_limit.amount(optional):Product purchase limit quantity


Create a new restricted purchase item

    display: '商品2'
    material: APPLE
    amount: 1
    data: 0
    model: 0
      - '&f'
      - '&fItems:'
      - '&f &7- Coin ×50'
      - ''
      - '&fPrice: &a100 Guild Points'
      - '&fCurrent Guild Points: &a%points%'
      #%limit%is a purchase restriction prompt. If the product does not have a purchase restriction, it will not be displayed
      - '%limit%'
      - 'guild_points;100'
      - '[console]money give %player% 50'
    #  Type List —— Once:Lifetime purchase restriction
    #               Day:Everyday purchase restriction
    #               Week:Every week purchase restriction
    #               Month:Every month purchase restriction
      type: Day
    #  Limited purchase quantity
      amount: 25

Last updated