

%player%is a placeholder for player names

1.[player] Ask the player to send a command

写法: [player]指令

示例: [player]spawn %player%

2.[console] Send an command from the console

写法: [console]指令

示例: [console]spawn %player%

3.[op] Execute instructions with OP privileges

写法: [op]指令

示例: [op]spawn

4.[message] Send a message

写法: [message]消息

示例: [message]Hello %player%!

5.[title] Send a title message

写法: [title]主标题;副标题

示例: [title]Hello %player%!;I'm your father!

6.[sound] Play a sound

写法: [sound]音效ID;pitch;volume

示例: [sound]BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN;1;1

7.[broad] Send a broadcast

写法: [broad]消息

示例: [broad]玩家%player%路过~

8.[broad_guild] Send a guild message

写法: [broad_guild]消息

示例: [broad_guild]公会成员%player%路过~

9.[guild_money] Increase the guild funds of the player's guild

写法: [guild_money]amount

示例: [guild_money]500

10.[guild_points] Increase player's guild points value

写法: [guild_points]amount

示例: [guild_points]500

11.[guild_activity] Increase the guild activity of the player's guild

写法: [guild_activity]amount

示例: [guild_activity]500

12.[guild_exp] Increase the guild experience of the player's guild

写法: [guild_exp]amount

示例: [guild_exp]500

Probability execution

Adding ~chance: 0~1 at the end of the statement gives the statement a specified probability of execution
  [player]spawn %player% ~chance:0.1 #10%  
  [console]money give %player% 10000 ~chance:0.01 #1%  
  [message]You are my father! ~chance:0.5 #50%  

Last updated