player guild name *
guild position*
player's points*
player's total points*
player's guild activity* (V5.1.7)
plauer's guild history activity (V5.1.7)
player's guild level*
player's guild exp*
player's guild tree level*
player's guild tree exp*
Growth value required for player's guild divine tree upgrade*
Growth progress bar required for player's guild divine tree upgrade*
Funds from the player's guild*
The number of members in the player's guild*
The max number of members in the player's guild*
The activity level of the player's guild*
The total activity level of player's guild*
The designated BUFF level of the player's guild*
The player used the pot several times today
The total number of times the player has used the pot
%LegendaryGuild_guild_top_money_{numberGet specified player variables}%
Obtain guild funding ranking list guild
Obtain the ranking list of guild members. Guilds
Obtain guild level ranking list guild
Obtain the Guild Tree Ranking List Guild
Obtaining Guild Activity Ranking Guilds
Get the ID of today's guild group buying gift package (V5.1.7)
Get the display of today's guild group buying gift package (V5.1.7)
Get the current price of today's guild group buying gift package (V5.1.7)
Get the base price of today's guild group buying gift package (V5.1.7)
Obtain the amount of player bargaining (V5.1.7)
Get the number of bargaining people in guild (V5.1.7)
Get specified player variables
Format:LegendaryGuild_other_{player name}_variables (The table above contains * )
LegendaryGuild_other_{Seven_room}_guild : Get Seven_room guild nameLegendaryGuild_other_{Seven_room}_position : Get Seven_room guild position
Last updated