Fix the possibility of high-frequency or dragging prohibited items into guild warehouses
Fix guild team shop data not refreshing
Fixed the issue where guild icons can be replaced and unlocked by non president members
Fix the issue of guild activity reward collection
Fix the issue of incomplete display of guild members
Update guild stores restrictions on placing items (ID judgment, display judgment, lore judgment) Click here to view
Update administrator command /lg admin icon add/remove guild ID to unlock/remove guild icons for guilds
Update administrator command /lg admin reset user cooldown seconds player resets specified player's join guild cooldown
Update GuildHomeTeleportEvent TeamShopBuyEvent API Events
Langugae file update (only list newly added parts)
- '&b&lLegendary&3&lGuild &f- &c&lAdmin Commands help'
- '&aCommand: &e/legendaryguild admin'
- '&aSub Command:'
- '&8 - maxmembers add/set [Guild] [Amount] &f- &7"Add or set the maximum number of guild members on the existing basis"'
- '&8 - icons add/remove [Guild] [ID] &f- &7"Unlock/remove icons for guild"'
- '&8 - points add/take/set [Player] [Amount] &f- &7"Manage the guild contribution points of players"'
- '&8 - money add/take/set [Guild] [Amount] &f- &7"Operate guild funds for designated guilds"'
- '&8 - level add/take/set [Guild] [Amount] &f- &7"Operate the guild level of the specified guild"'
- '&8 - exp add/take/set [Guild] [Amount] &f- &7"Guild experience in operating specified guilds"'
- '&8 - treelevel add/take/set [Guild] [Amount] &f- &7"Operate the guild tree level of the specified guild"'
- '&8 - treeexp add/take/set [Guild] [Amount] &f- &7"Operate the growth value of the guild tree for the specified guild"'
- '&8 - level add/take/set [Guild] [Amount] &f- &7"Operate the guild level of the specified guild"'
- '&8 - buff add/take/set [Guild] buffID [Amount] &f- &7"Operate the specified guild buff"'
- '&8 - activity add/take/set [Guild] [Amount] &f- &7"Operate the guild activity of the specified guild"'
- '&8 - activity add/take/set [Guild] [Amount] &f- &7"Operate the guild activity level of the specified player guild"'
- '&8 - reset guild activity [Guild] &f- &7"Reset guild activity data"'
- '&8 - reset guild teamshop [Guild] &f- &7"Reset the purchase data of all guild members in the guild team shop"'
- '&8 - reset user shop once/day/week/month [Player] &f- &7"Reset player guild store purchase restriction data"'
- '&8 - reset user tree wish [Player] &f- &7"Reset player tree wish data"'
- '&8 - reset user pot [ID] [Player] &f- &7"Reset the number of times the player specified the pot to be watered today"'
- '&8 - reset user teamshop [amount] [Player] &f- &7"Reset player guild team shop purchase data"'
- '&8 - reset user cooldown [Second] [Player] &f- &7"Reset the join guild cooldown for player"'
- '&8 - teamshop refresh [Guild] &f- &7"Refresh team shop item for specified guilds"'
- '&8 - delete [Guild] &f- &7"Delete guild"'
add-icon: '&fYou have unlock the icon &e%value% &ffor guild &e%target%'
remove-icon: '&fYou have remove the icon &e%value% &ffor guild &e%target%'
cant_put: '&cThis item cannot be placed in the guild store!'
not-exist: '&fThe icon is not exist.'
cooldown: '&cYou have reset the cooldown time for joining &e%player% &cto &e%second% &cseconds' ~ - 2024/6/11
Fixed an error during plugin startup due to the teamshop mode not being fully capitalized
Fix that when the Teamshop button is added to the guild panel and opened, there are no items on the panel
Fix that the guild red envelope balance is still displayed in the red envelope interface as 0
Fixed the issue of not being able to kick out members for positions with kick permissions
Fix the issue of not set "material" when loading tributes in version, which may cause errors and prevent startup
Note: If you have multiple sub servers and use the same database, it is recommended to set the cycle only in the config of one sub server The remaining sub servers are set to -1
Update position permissions accept(pass the applications) 、kick(kick out guild members) For specific writing, please click here
Force to increase/set the maximum number of guild members (based on the original increase)
New Requirement type activity / total_activity Specific reference Requirements
New Commands
Admin Commands
/lg admin reset guild teamshop [Guild] - Reset the purchase data of all guild members in the guild team shop
/lg admin reset user teamshop [Amount] [Player] - Reset player guild team shop purchase data
/lg admin teamshop refresh [Guild] - Refresh team shop item for specified guilds
New Placeholders
GuildMenu.yml new function type teamshop(open the team shop menu) look:
The following GUI configuration files have changed (all of which are new variables added to some lores)
Language file update (only list newly added parts)
- '&b&lLegendary&3&lGuild &f- &c&lAdmin Commands help'
- '&aCommand: &e/legendaryguild admin'
- '&aSub Command:'
- '&8 - maxmembers add/set [Guild] [Amount] &f- &7"Add or set the maximum number of guild members on the existing basis"'
- '&8 - points add/take/set [Player] [Amount] &f- &7"Manage the guild contribution points of players"'
- '&8 - money add/take/set [Guild] [Amount] &f- &7"Operate guild funds for designated guilds"'
- '&8 - level add/take/set [Guild] [Amount] &f- &7"Operate the guild level of the specified guild"'
- '&8 - exp add/take/set [Guild] [Amount] &f- &7"Guild experience in operating specified guilds"'
- '&8 - treelevel add/take/set [Guild] [Amount] &f- &7"Operate the guild tree level of the specified guild"'
- '&8 - treeexp add/take/set [Guild] [Amount] &f- &7"Operate the growth value of the guild tree for the specified guild"'
- '&8 - level add/take/set [Guild] [Amount] &f- &7"Operate the guild level of the specified guild"'
- '&8 - buff add/take/set [Guild] buffID [Amount] &f- &7"Operate the specified guild buff"'
- '&8 - activity add/take/set [Guild] [Amount] &f- &7"Operate the guild activity of the specified guild"'
- '&8 - activity add/take/set [Guild] [Amount] &f- &7"Operate the guild activity level of the specified player guild"'
- '&8 - reset guild activity [Guild] &f- &7"Reset guild activity data"'
- '&8 - reset guild teamshop [Guild] &f- &7"Reset the purchase data of all guild members in the guild team shop"'
- '&8 - reset user shop once/day/week/month [Player] &f- &7"Reset player guild store purchase restriction data"'
- '&8 - reset user tree wish [Player] &f- &7"Reset player tree wish data"'
- '&8 - reset user pot [ID] [Player] &f- &7"Reset the number of times the player specified the pot to be watered today"'
- '&8 - reset user teamshop [amount] [Player] &f- &7"Reset player guild team shop purchase data"'
- '&8 - teamshop refresh [Guild] &f- &7"Refresh team shop item for specified guilds"'
- '&8 - delete [Guild] &f- &7"Delete guild"'
maxmembers_add: '&fYou have increased the maximum number of members in the guild &e%target% &fby &e%value%'
maxmembers_set: '&fYou have set the maximum number of members in the guild &e%target% &fby &e%value%'
teamshop-refresh: '&fYou have refresh the item of teamshop for guild &e%target%'
notenough_activity: '&fYour activity points did not reach &e%value% &fthis week'
notenough_total-activity: '&fYour history activity points did not reach &e%value%'
activity: '&cYou have reset the guild activity data for &f%guild%'
shop: '&cYou have reset the player %type% shop date for &e%player%'
wish: '&cYou have reset the guild tree wish data for &e%player%'
pot: '&cYou have reset the guild tree water data for &e%player% &c, id &e%pot%'
guild-teamshop: '&cYou have reset the guild teamshop data for the members of &e%guild%'
user-teamshop: '&cYou have reset the guild team shop data to &e%amount% &cfor &e%player%'
already: '&cYou have already discounted the price.'
success: '&aYou have successfully negotiated a price of &e%bargain%, &aand the current group purchase price is &e%current%'
bargain-broad: '&6Guild members &f%player% &6slashed the price of group buying products, resulting in a decrease of &a%bargain% &6.Currently, the price of group buying products is &a%current%'
buy: '&aYou have successfully purchased the guild group buying gift pack %display%'
buy-broad: '&6Guild members &f%player% &6purchased the guild group buying gift pack %display% &6at a price of &a%price%&6'
buy-limit: '&cYou have already purchased this gift pack &f%limit% &ctimes today and cannot make any further purchases!'