🎆Guild Tribute


Players submit designated items to gain guild contribution points and guild experience

Composed of the following nodes

display(可选其一或是一起): Name of the tested item

material (可选其一或是一起): Detected item ID

data(可选其一或是一起): Detected item data

points:Guild points obtained

exp:Experience gained by guilds

broad:Whether to broadcast within the guild

broad_message:Broadcast information

  #Custom display item example
    #detection name
    display: '&c西域宝物'
    #The contribution points of each item conversion
    points: 50
    #Guild experience gained from each tribute of this item
    exp: 5
    #Whether to broadcast within the guild
    broad: true
    broad_message: '&a公会成员 &f%player% &a贡献了 &c西域宝物 ×%amount%'
  #Vanilla item example
    material: NETHER_STAR
    data: 0
    points: 100
    exp: 10
    broad: true
    broad_message: '&a公会成员 &f%player% &a贡献了 &e下届之星 ×%amount%'
    material: DIAMOND
    display: '&c超级钻石'
    data: 0
    points: 200
    exp: 50
    broad: true
    broad_message: '&a公会成员 &f%player% &a贡献了 &c超级钻石 ×%amount%'

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